– Good for the brain
Cabbage provides a lot of vitamin K and anthocynin, which have good effects on the nervous system, helping to increase brain concentration. These nutrients play an important role in preventing nerve damage, helping to prevent age-related memory loss.
– Good for the eyes
The beta-carotene component in cabbage has the effect of improving eye health, preventing macular degeneration and cataracts in the elderly.
– Anti-aging
The vitamin C and sulfur content in cabbage is relatively high, which helps prevent free radicals from damaging cells in the body, helping to prevent aging and prevent diseases.
– Weight loss support
Cabbage contains a lot of water and fiber, which helps create a feeling of fullness for a long time, prevents cravings, and limits snacking. In addition, it also helps prevent glucid in the body from converting into fat, causing weight gain, obesity, and fat accumulation. You can use boiled cabbage (eat both the water and the vegetables) to receive the benefits that this vegetable brings.
Foods that are incompatible with cabbage
– Cucumber
Yo Make również polubił
Poranne ciastka, robiła je dla mnie moja babcia: w końcu znalazłam przepis, którego szukałam!
Pieczony cassatine: pyszny i nie można mu się oprzeć!
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